Using AutoDesign and Open-Source Simulation Tools for Data-Driven Optimal Decision on EV Charging Station Location Selection


This report presents the outcomes of a case study of Elswick Neighbourhood, Newcastle City Council, under the LGA Net Zero Innovation Programme (NZIP). It focuses on the optimization of EV sharging station location selection for a EV carsharing scheme by using AutoDesign provided by NorthernGrid, open-source simulation tools and data-driven decision-making techniques. Based on numerous locations, a technical and cost analysis is conducted to observe the main parameters that will affect the location selection of EV charging station Installation with the aid of AutoDesign. Also, a step-by-step procedure is included for AutoDesign which guides the end user on how AutoDesign functions and how to use it.

Net Zero Inovation Prgramme Technical Report, Northumbria University and Newcastle City Council
Xuewu Dai
Xuewu Dai
Senior Lecturer

Senior lecturer in Elctrical Engineering, Northumbria University, UK. Research interests include control and scheduling codesign of networked multi-agent systems, Intelligent Transport-Energy Systems and Time-sensitive Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs).