SEEV4-City Project Final report-Oslo Operational Pilot at Vulkan Car Park


This report provides a final report of the SEEV4-City Operational Pilot at the Vulkan parking garage in Oslo, Norway. It is part of a collection of reports published by the project covering a variation of specific and crosscutting analysis and evaluation perspectives and spans across 6 operational pilots. This report is dedicated to the analysis of the pilot itself. Below is an indication of the set of reports provided, including an indication where this OP report fits in.

SEEV4City Final Report
Xuewu Dai
Xuewu Dai
Senior Lecturer

Senior lecturer in Elctrical Engineering, Northumbria University, UK. Research interests include control and scheduling codesign of networked multi-agent systems, Intelligent Transport-Energy Systems and Time-sensitive Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs).